
The Glastonbury Town Deal has secured £23.6 million investment for the town, representing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver the objectives outlined in the Town Investment Plan

The Life Factory

Lead Organisation: The Red Brick Building Centre

This project builds on the accelerator project in developing an iconic building for businesses, learning, young people and community uses.


  • Towns Fund:  £2.89m
  • Co-Funding:  £2.89m


  • Provision of space for artisan businesses, youth, music and broadcasting
  • Deliver a vibrant creative impact

Key Project Themes

  • Grow the Economy
  • Reduce Deprivation
  • Address COVID-19 Recovery


  • Addresses need to regenerate an iconic building and a long-neglected part of the town.
  • Will provide a focus for the many creative and design industries in the town, enabling training to be carried out, businesses established, and jobs delivered.
  • Addresses youth issues experienced by the town including improving educational and skills attainment to reduce youth unemployment.
  • Meets the need for gathering space for people of all ages.

Project Summary

The Life Factory is located at the Red Brick Building Centre.  It will become the new creative heart of Glastonbury and provide a vibrant community space where artists, musicians, actors, makers and other local people can meet, eat, learn, collaborate, inspire and thrive.

The regeneration of Building C will deliver a multi-purpose spaces where people can share and develop their skills. Local people of all ages will have access to equipment and skills training, supporting the transition to further education and the workplace, as well as improving health and wellbeing.

State-of-the-art broadcast facilities will be used for training and creation, as will a dedicated music and performance arts zone. Local community radio station Glastonbury FM will relocate into a new Community Media Centre.

As well as having a focus on making, restoring and repairing, The Life Factory will be powered by locally produced green energy, supporting the town’s journey to net zero.


Project FAQs

What is going to happen in the building?

The expansion of the Red Brick Building site will allow more Community, Arts, Education and Enterprise. Plans include:
•  The Life Factory Open Workshop which is a makerspace, connecting local people with equipment so we can all get making and repairing!
•  A community canteen with low-cost meals and an opportunity for people to get involved in the preparation of the meals, using vegetables grown on our sister project, the Glastonbury Food and Regenerative Farming Centre.
•  A recording studio and multi-media training suite for GFM.
•  A dedicated space for young people to hang out and access youth provision.

Who will this project be for?
Everyone! The Town Deal funding was awarded to Glastonbury because it is an area of deprivation, so we want to ensure that those struggling financially can also use the building and have exciting things to do.

How long will it be before we can use the building?
Stabilisation works started on-site in 2023 and once planning consent is in place a new roof will be installed.  The finish date is tbc.

Are you recruiting local people for the build?
The RBB has set up the Beckery Construction Company which aims to recruit as many local people as possible including apprenticeships.

How will the building help Glastonbury become carbon neutral by 2030?
The Life Factory project has been awarded additional funding through the Robert Richards Initiative – another of the Glastonbury Town Deal projects – to increase the building’s capacity to conserve energy. We are looking into different options of renewable energy sources – particularly solar and wind.