The Glastonbury Town Deal has secured £23.6 million investment for the town, representing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver the objectives outlined in the Town Investment Plan

Glastonbury Abbey Piazza

Lead Organisation: Glastonbury Abbey

Enhancing the main entrance and visitor experience. The aim is to improve indoor and outdoor facilities for visitors and open up the connection with the town centre, benefiting the local economy.


  • Towns Fund:  £1m
  • Co-Funding:  £1.3m


  • Provision of high quality indoor & outdoor visitor facilities
  • More people visiting Abbey space
  • Abbey is more financially viable and additional income generated for town centre businesses
Photo showing the current entrance to Glastonbury Abbey

Key Project Themes

  • Enhance Culture and Branding
  • Improve Health and Wellbeing


  • Provide high quality indoor & outdoor facilities for visitors.
  • Addresses the lack of visibility of the Abbey and improve connectivity with the town centre.
  • Recognises the need for COVID-secure space where people can meet or exercise, enhancing wellbeing.

Project Summary

Located in the heart of the town, Glastonbury Abbey receives visitors from across the globe, yet its entrance is tucked away and somewhat underwhelming.  This project will significantly enhance the main entrance to improve the visitor experience and site competitiveness.  The focus is on providing high quality indoor & outdoor facilities for visitors and a more visible landscaped entrance that will open up connectivity with the town centre, benefitting the local economy.

An attractive open space is being created including a redesigned shop with café, better toilets and a new ticket entrance.

Click here to view the planning application details and documents.


Project FAQS

When will your project start & finish?
Works are in progress and are due to be completed by March 2025.

Will the abbey be closed whilst work is going on?
No, the Abbey grounds and ruins are  staying open.  A temporary entrance is further along Magdalene Street.  The museum will be kept open to visitors for most of the duration of the project.

How is the town going to benefit from your project?
This project is creating a new, attractive open space with free access to St Patrick’s Chapel and its yard during Abbey opening times.  Once works are complete, there will be new events programmes for the piazza and the wider site.  Overall, we are improving Glastonbury’s cultural and heritage offer and expect more visitors as a result, which will also benefit local businesses.