News & Events
All the latest news and events to keep you up-to-date with the Glastonbury Town Deal

Glastonbury Town Deal projects are starting to take shape
Glastonbury Town Deal is entering an exciting phase with construction work well underway at the Sports & Leisure Hub, Glastonbury Abbey and most recently St

Glastonbury Town Deal update – July 2024
What is happening with the Life Factory project, and will it affect the other projects? As the Accountable Body for the Glastonbury Town Deal, Somerset

Everyone welcome to drop in at the Glastonbury Town Deal Open Day
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New Somerset Supply Chain website aims to help local businesses get involved in the £23.6 million Glastonbury Town Deal programme
New Somerset Supply Chain website aims to help local businesses get involved in the £23.6 million Glastonbury Town Deal programme

New Vice Chair announced for Glastonbury Town Deal Board
Dr Michael White, Town Councillor for St. Benedict’s ward, Glastonbury, has been elected as Vice Chair for the Town Deal Board.
Glastonbury is one of 101 towns chosen to receive investment through the government’s Towns Fund scheme as part of its Levelling Up agenda. This once-in-a-generation opportunity will bring £23.6million of funding to the town and surrounding area. The funding will deliver 11 projects which were developed through engagement with key partners, businesses and community groups.