Glastonbury Town Deal projects proceed to government for final sign-off

The Business Cases for ten Glastonbury Town Deal projects have been approved for submission to Government, bringing this once-in-a-generation investment within touching distance
New Glastonbury Town Deal film to premiere next week

A short film about the Glastonbury Town Deal will be streamed next week, giving local residents an opportunity to learn more about the Town Deal projects and the benefits these will bring for the local community. The 20 minute film, which includes interviews with Glastonbury Town Deal board members and project leads, will be shown […]
Statement from the Town Deal Board regarding the Glastonbury Community Sports and Leisure Hub

Following some inaccuracies in a recent article in the local press, the Town Deal Board would like to clarify the situation regarding the plans for a Glastonbury Community Sports and Leisure Hub at the Tor Sports and Leisure site. The original Town Investment Plan was put together in 2020 and submitted to the government in […]
Town Deal event postponed as projects fix their focus on the finish line

A Glastonbury Town Deal open day event has been postponed to allow project teams to push ahead with the paperwork needed to realise the £23.6m investment.