
The Glastonbury Town Deal has secured £23.6 million investment for the town, representing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver the objectives outlined in the Town Investment Plan


The Glastonbury Town Deal has secured £23.6 million investment for the town, representing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver the objectives outlined in the Town Investment Plan.

With regeneration and sustainability at the heart of the Town Deal projects, the overall aim is to preserve Glastonbury’s heritage and restore its existing assets in order to revitalise and enrich the town.

The Town Investment Plan was developed by the Town Deal Board through engagement with key partners, businesses, community groups and Mendip District Council as the lead authority (now transferred to the Somerset Council unitary authority). The Town Deal projects are being coordinated and delivered by the members of the Glastonbury community.

Glastonbury is one of 101 towns in the UK to receive investment from the Government’s Towns Fund scheme. This funding is designed to regenerate town centres to boost businesses, improve infrastructure, encourage enterprise and bring communities together.

The Town Deal - What to expect and when

Bringing in £23.6m of investment, the Glastonbury Town Deal is a once-in-a-generation opportunity that aims to provide a necessary ‘levelling up’ opportunity for the town.

Addressing the objectives outlined in the Glastonbury Town Investment Plan, the funding is focused on bringing existing assets back into community use and delivering the spaces and resources that are wanted and needed by the local community. The investment is putting the foundations in place for Glastonbury to become a sustainable, prosperous, modern town and global tourist centre.

What has been achieved so far?

The Town Investment Plan was submitted to the Government in January 2021. A letter of intent was received in June 2021, followed by a formal grant offer in November 2021 stating that Glastonbury would receive up to £23.6m from the government’s Towns Fund scheme across the financial years 2021/22 to 2025/26.

Detailed Business Cases were then developed for each of the projects, in line with HM Treasury’s Green Book and Supplementary Guidance. These covered the strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management aspects of each project. They included clear and measurable social, economic and environmental outcomes that would result in social and financial value for Glastonbury. This process had to be carefully followed and viable Business Cases submitted to the Government in order to secure the funding. The completed Business Cases were submitted at the end of June 2022 and confirmation that the full funding amount had been granted was received in late September 2022.

Projects are now in a delivery phase (from April 2024) with work already underway. Work on all projects will be completed by March 2026

Town Investment Plan Submitted

29th January, 2021

Heads of Terms letter received from Government

8th June, 2021

Signed Heads of Terms received from Government

29th June, 2021

Project Confirmation paperwork submitted

28th August, 2021

Grant Offer Letter received from Government

11th November, 2021

Started developing Project Business Cases

From September, 2021

Project Business Cases completed

by 30th June, 2022

All documentation submitted to Government

30th June, 2022

Confirmation received for full £23.6m funding

Late September, 2022

Capital schemes in progress

From Autumn 2022 to 31st March, 2026

Projects up and running

from April 2026

Who is responsible?

Somerset Council is the accountable body leading the process with the Glastonbury Town Deal Board. The individual project teams are managing and delivering their projects, with ongoing support from the Town Deal Board and Somerset Council.

Community engagement

The Glastonbury community is very much at the heart of all the projects, so a number of open day events have been held where project teams were able to gather feedback and update local residents and businesses of progress.

Some of the projects have evolved since the Town Investment Plan was published as a result of this community engagement and the wider Business Case process. Another open event was held in November 2022 to share the revised plans with the local community, as well as signposting people to the skills and training providers and support available to help them get involved in the projects.

Further community events are held annually in March and details will be shared locally and on this website once information is confirmed.

Business opportunities

The Town Deal investment and projects are bringing many opportunities for local suppliers and contractors over the coming years. The aim is for projects to use contractors with a 20 mile radius of Glastonbury.

Any local businesses or suppliers that are interested in working on the Glastonbury Town Deal projects should email their contact details to:

Towns Fund – Town Deals

On 27 July 2019, the Prime Minister announced that the Towns Fund would support an initial 101 places across England to develop Town Deal proposals, to drive economic regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth.

A Town Deal is an agreement in principle between government, the Lead Council and the Town Deal Board. It sets out a vision and strategy for the town, and what each party agrees to do to achieve this vision.

Each of the 101 towns selected to work towards a Town Deal also received accelerator funding in 2021/22 for investing in five small capital projects that would have an immediate impact and help places “build back better” in the wake of Covid-19.

Alongside Glastonbury, there is also an exciting Town Deal taking shape in Bridgwater. Find out more about Bridgwater Town Deal

Boundary Map

Click the image below to download an Adobe pdf document of the Glastonbury Town Deal boundary map.  [6.54mb]

Town Investment plan

The Glastonbury Town Investment Plan was developed by the Town Deal Board through engagement with key partners, businesses, community groups and Mendip District Council as the lead authority.

Submitted to the government in January 2021, the Plan aims to drive regeneration, generate sustainable economic productivity and improve wellbeing.

In June 2021, the government confirmed ‘heads of terms’ for grant funding of £23.6million for Glastonbury to deliver the concepts and objectives outlined in Glastonbury’s Town Investment Plan. Following the development of comprehensive Business Cases for each project, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities confirmed in late September 2022 that the full funding amount for Glastonbury had been granted.

Town Investment Plan

Download the Glastonbury Town Investment Plan (Adobe pdf document) [19.48mb]