The Glastonbury Town Deal has secured £23.6 million investment for the town, representing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver the objectives outlined in the Town Investment Plan

£500k Accelerator Fund for Glastonbury Town

Glastonbury town has received excellent news today. In early August, the Glastonbury Town Deal Board submitted proposals to make use of £500k of funding that was made available to address issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Glastonbury town has received excellent news today. In early August, the Glastonbury Town Deal Board submitted proposals to make use of £500k of funding that was made available to address issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.

This funding was available to Glastonbury because it is one of the 101 towns earmarked to benefit from the Governments £3.6bn Towns Fund with the opportunity to secure up to £25m of investment for the town.  

The Towns Fund is central to the government’s ambition to “level up the country” – creating jobs and building stronger and more resilient local economies and communities.  The investment will ultimately benefit business, communities and individuals.

The Glastonbury Town Deal Board (made up of representatives of local organisations) is the body that shapes the vision for the town as well as defining the strategy and steps that need to be taken to achieve that vision.  It will agree and submit a Town Investment Plan (TIP), that will be thoroughly grounded in the local community, by 21 January 2021.

Robert Richards, Chair of the Town Deal Board said: “This is a once in a generation opportunity to make a massive difference to Glastonbury.”

Leader of Mendip District Council, Cllr Ros Wyke, said: “These projects which have been brought forward, will make a significant difference to the town and form part of an even bigger vision for Glastonbury.

“These are exciting times. The news is most welcome in the current climate and I look forward to witnessing the progress and regeneration unfold in these communities.”

Government were particularly encouraging projects that will support Glastonbury in responding to immediate challenges, including:

  • Improvements to or new parks and green spaces and sustainable transport links
  • Improvements to town centres repurposing empty commercial properties
  • Demolition or site remediation where this will have an immediate benefit

The Towns’ Fund Board for Glastonbury met on Friday 7 August 2020, primarily to discuss and agree projects put forward for the Accelerator Fund of £500k. Due to the short timescale for this initial process, extensive consultation was not possible at this stage.

We are delighted to say that these projects have been approved and are now being brought forward for delivery. 

They are:

  • Renovation of part of Red Brick Building C, off the A39 on Street Road is to receive substantial funding sufficient to enable part of Building C to be renovated and will on completion provide facilities for business development, youth and wider community events.
  • A High Street enhancement programme has identified a number of projects that can be delivered within the timeframe required of this first phase of expenditure. This could involve the installation of covered cycle racks, strategically placed trees in large containers, improved hanging baskets, wrought iron entrance arch to Hanover Square, improved signage and investment in two toilet blocks, including Abbey Park.
  • St Edmunds Hall in the Windmill Hill community requires refurbishment. The intention is to install a proper catering kitchen and revamp the garden. A much needed barrier will be installed at the entrance to the car park to prevent access by high sided vehicles.
  • Included is the provision of community parking facilities at Herbies Field, off Northload Bridge. This project once completed will reduce the impact of event parking on the town and provide a suitable venue for Tor Fair to return.

Issued on behalf of The Glastonbury Town Fund Board which consists of representatives from across the community. 

Chair: Robert Richards.  Vice-Chair: James Heappey MP


Circumstances resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic have meant that government has brought forward an Accelerator Fund of £500k for projects which can be delivered by end March 2021. 
The amount was allocated according to population numbers from the 2011 Census and using the Office for National Statistics’ categorisation of towns as to size.

All projects must be based on capital spend and on the intervention framework set out in the Towns’ Fund Further guidance which can be found at:

The Accountable Body for funds received is Mendip District Council who will oversee the contracting with delivery organisations.